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2020, here I come.

I know this is a strange title considering it’s almost March, but I’ve had some exciting things happening since January and I couldn’t really talk about them yet because I wasn’t sure how things were going to go with my dad. But, we got some good news about his aneurysm repair—it’s no longer leaking! Other than having a CT scan twice a year to check it, he doesn’t need further surgery on that aneurysm. He does need some other surgeries this year, but they won’t be as invasive.

So, here goes…

I’m working on a new romcom series! I have 3 books planned and I’ve finished the first draft of book 1 and I’m hard at work on the first draft of book 2. Yep, that’s right. I’m going to try to write all 3 books before I publish the first one so that you, dear reader, don’t have to wait too long in between them! NSFW and Wraith Files, anyone? Yes, I’m sorry about those, but I have plans, so never fear.

In other good news, I’ve begun the process of making Bite Me available in audio. I’ve received a few auditions and there’s one in particular I really like. I’m going to make the final decision on narrator this week and I’m hopeful we can start the recording process soon.

And on a final note, I’m planning to post here more often BUT I want to make sure I’m posting about things you are interested in. Do you want to see more about my writing process? Or teasers? Maybe the occasional recipe? Please drop me a comment below and tell me what you want to know!

Published inLifeNewsPosts


  1. Katie Katie

    All of the above! I just found you and read all 3 Wrath Files in 2 days. NEED more! I want to see visuals of how you picture your characters. Or if the books were made into movies, who you would want to play them

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