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Adventures in Gardening

Like a lot of people last year, I worried about the stability food supply chain. And like a lot of people, I started a garden. 

I’m not great at it. I forget to weed and water as regularly as I should, unlike Lee Prescott. But when I do remember to do my gardening things, I enjoy it. 

I like growing food and herbs. I like seeing my garden flourish. Though I’m struggling with my tomatoes, y’all. Big time. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I feed them, prune them, put cages around them, water (or deep water), etc. but I still can’t grow tomatoes worth a damn. 

That being said, I can grow some zucchini without even trying. And spaghetti squash. Heck, I had a spaghetti squash come up in the part of my compost pile that should have been ready to put on the garden this fall. I have 2 almost ready to go and 2 more growing on that single plant. It’s the best looking plant on the property and it’s not even in the actual garden. Ha! 

I’m not sure if I’ll have a fall garden this year since I’m trying to get back to writing more now that Lil Bit will be going back to school next month. I guess I have to decide soon though since I have to plant pumpkins at the end of July if I want them. 

I leave you with a picture of one of my zucchini. My friend, Magan, said it was porn. Which of course made me laugh. I guess I should caption it “Garden Porn” on IG. 😆

Published inLife

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