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At Least There are No Zombies

I imagine a lot of you have kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc. home from school for the next week…or few. I read an article this morning that Texas schools, especially in metropolitan areas, may close for the rest of the school year because of the spread of COVID-19. Since I live in Texas, I’m really worried about that because Lil Bit was just tested for dyslexia the week before spring break and I haven’t heard back on her results yet. She may need special help to get through the rest of this year without getting too far behind.

While it’s a lesser worry, I’m also concerned for my sanity. I’m sure many of you understand.

I am glad that our state officials seem to be taking this outbreak seriously because my father, who had a massive heart attack last year and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure last fall, would be the most susceptible to the virus.

So, we’re hunkering down at home with lots of books, educational activities, and (for me) work. I’ve been pecking away at the second book in the romcom trilogy I have planned for this year. Not as quickly as I hoped because the flu hit our house a couple of weeks ago and I’m just now getting over it. We all got flu shots this year, so none of us were as sick as we could have been, but my father is the only one who escaped. But I’m back to work now! The goal is to have book 2 finished by the end of this month and start rewrites on book 1 so I can send it off to the editor before I start the first draft of book 3.

Yes, you read that correctly. Instead of releasing the series piecemeal as I usually do, I’m going to finish all 3 books and release them back-to-back! And I have to tell you that I’m loving Sierra from book 2 right now because she’s introverted, extremely sarcastic, and even more socially awkward than I am. In other words, she would thrive during the pandemic we’re facing at the moment. Except for the raccoon that’s stalking her, but you’ll have to wait until I release the first book before you can find out more about that. If you don’t already follow me on Goodreads though, you might start now because I’ll be adding the books there in the next couple of weeks.

Click here to follow me on Goodreads. Or not. It’s cool if you don’t.

I hope that you and your family and friends all stay sane and healthy in the coming weeks and months. And that you don’t run out of toilet paper or hand soap. Also, please tell me what you’re planning to do to get through the next few weeks, especially if you have kids at home. I have enough stuff for her to do this week, but next week, if school isn’t back in session, we’ll be in big trouble!

Published inLifeNews

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