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Destined by Blood (Bitten Origins)

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I’m so excited to announce the release of Destined by Blood (Bitten Origins)! This book will bridge the Bitten series with the spin-off Blood & Bone series. You can buy it now for only 99¢!


For fans of C.C. Wood’s Bitten series, discover how it all began…

In a mythical land not of this time or place, two lovers are drawn together. Alaunus and Aveta. Their destinies flow through their veins, borne in their very blood.

Lost in the discovery of newfound passion, neither of them sees the evil that stalks their every move…until it’s too late.

As Alaunus lies upon his deathbed, Aveta seeks help from the god and goddess, willing to conjure a dangerous power to save his life. Through love and desperation, she creates a new magic that will affect the future of her world — and ours.


Buy it here!

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Published inBittenNew ReleasesPosts


  1. Bren Gaudreault Bren Gaudreault

    Absolutely LOVED the Bitten Series! I motored through them at an alarming rate; I had a truly difficult time putting them down! JUST finished Destined by Blood and now I can hardly wait for the Blood and Bone series! Thank you for writing these paranormal books- The characters are compelling (pardon the pun) and I love how one book eases into the next. The stories are cohesive and everything comes together in the final book!

    • Thank you, Bren! I’m so glad you enjoyed the series! I’m currently working on the first book in the Blood & Bone series and it should be out in a couple of months. 🙂

  2. Esther Esther

    I cannot find Destined by blood on any of the retailers. Will you make it available again?

  3. Jenn Jenn

    I absolutely adore all your books they never disappoint but I tired looking for Destined by Blood: Bitten Origins & I cant get it on any of the links you provided above I also tired looking for them online & nothing 🙁

  4. Lorrie Miller Lorrie Miller

    I just found your Bitten Series and am looking forward to reading it. Unfortunately, all the links to Destined by Blood: Bitten Orgins #0.5 do not have the book listed and my searches have come up negative. Have you pulled the book? I look forward to your reply. Thank you in advance.

  5. Chloe Kelly Chloe Kelly

    I’m currently devouring your bitten series but cant find the mini novellas in any uk online retailer. Will you be making these available again?
    Thank you

  6. Jessica Jessica

    How come you discontinued the Destined by Blood: Bitten Origins book? Amazon removed it, Apple removed it, all the retailers took it down. I read the bitten series and the souls unchained series but I never knew about this book, until I saw it mentioned on your website. I would like to complete the collection but I don’t know if that is a possibility. Was it added into an anthology book versus being its own book, or was it just completely scraped and discontinued?

    • Hi, Jessica! Destined by Blood is available in Forevermore (Blood & Bone, #3). I combined it with the completed story so readers wouldn’t have to purchase the books separately. 🙂

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