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It is Friday, people! I, for one, am planning on relaxing as much as I can this weekend.

Which may not be much since I have a book releasing Monday and I’ve been without internet for five weeks as of tomorrow. Yeah, our service provider obviously isn’t in any hurry to resolve the situation and I’ve called another provider, but it will take a couple of weeks before they can get us set up. Since we live out in the boonies, it’s kinda difficult to get internet service. Period. Even satellite internet stinks here.

Anyway, I’m not going to worry about that because I have awesome friends who are letting me use their wifi when I have bookish things to do. It will get sorted, it’s just going to take some time.

While I have a list of fun things to do with Lil Bit this summer, I’m always on the lookout for more ideas. Do you have any fun things planned with your littles or your SO this weekend? Something your kids particularly enjoy? I figure this is one of my last summers with Lil Bit where she’ll actually want to spend time with me and I want to make all the memories with her!

Published inLife

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