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Good Things.

Nope, I’m not Martha Stewart, but some good things have happened this week.

Lil Bit is getting back on schedule BEFORE the first week of school. Going to bed earlier, getting up earlier. She’s adjusting a lot better than I thought she would because, well, she’s a night owl like her mama.

Now, a little backstory before I mention the next good thing.

We started Taekwondo classes at the end of June. I studied for several years, starting at age 11, and earned a second degree black belt in my teens. But I left study to focus on music in high school so I could earn some scholarship money. That was *cough, cough* almost 25 years ago. More like 23 or 24, but I refuse to actually count because I don’t want to think about what age that makes me now.

Anyway, the point of that little ramble, is that I wanted Lil Bit to have that experience and chose to do it with her even though I’m older, overweight, and not as flexible as I once was. Because she’s so shy, I chose to begin again as white belt so we could be in the beginner class together even though they offered to let me test out for a more advanced rank.


I love it. She loves it. She improves every week and I can see her confidence growing with each class. And….

I earned my orange belt last night. Completely unexpected and a little scary as I had to stand in the middle of the class area and answer questions and perform my form and self-defense with everyone watching—kids, parents, teachers, Husbot was even there. 😬 Talk about pressure. Added to that, I didn’t realize that’s what we were doing so I was really confused.

The thing is…it meant just as much to me last night to get that orange belt as it did to get my black belt as a teenager.

And that is a good thing.

Hope your hump day is excellent!


Published inLife

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