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My Secret Obsession/Guilty Pleasure

I have a secret obsession.  

love The Real Housewives on Bravo.  All of them.  I watch reruns.  I watch new episodes.  I’ve been known to hide the remote so that the Baby Daddy can’t change the channel when Bravo or Oxygen has a marathon.  I can’t help it.

I’m not sure why I love the show in all its forms.  Maybe because I avoid drama like the plague in my personal life.  With a 9 month old baby, I don’t have time for anyone else’s drama but hers.  Seriously, meltdowns when I take away an empty water bottle.  Tantrums when I stop her from sticking a doggie chew toy in her mouth.  Lil Bit has DRAMA QUEEN written all over her.  I have my hands full.  

Or perhaps I love the show because it reminds me that money is easy come, easy go and it doesn’t guarantee you happiness.  I’m sure most of my readers have had money troubles at one point in their life, just like me, and it’s easy to think that having more will make your life better.  In some ways, it does.  But great sums of money also bring their own set of problems.  Sometimes, when I’m worrying about saving for retirement or Lil Bit’s college, I remind myself that I’ve seen how money can affect people in negative ways.

So, here’s my question for you:  What’s your guilty pleasure/secret obsession?  What TV show, music, food, etc. do you indulge in that gives you happy feelings?  C’mon!  I showed you mine.  Show me yours!

Published inPosts


  1. Terrie Terrie

    I don’t watch TV. I’m addicted to my phone it has EVERYTHING
    My Kindle app, Facebook, Netflix, really EVERYTHING 🙂
    I’m also addicted to chocolate, diet soda & coffee. I’m holding my own experiment to see if I can live on that alone… Please read this at my funeral 🙂

  2. Lisa Lisa

    My guilty pleasures are…Reese’s Big Cups, watching chick flicks (Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility) while making jewelry or laying in bed reading a good book while it’s raining outside. I could be totally happy vegging out doing that all day. Most of the time real life intrudes…the hubby needs attention or the fur babies. Right now I have been looking forward to days that I can spend that time doing these things but between a full time job and working on Masters degree full time…not much room for these activities.

    You have a very cute baby. I like to read authors that are from Texas. I live in the Dallas area so it’s nice to see references to places that I know.

    First time that I have read a book of yours and thought it was great. I really liked the main character Lucy and could relate to her personality. Looking forward to the next in the series with Yancy, although I thought it would be about Marcus and Grier.

    Keep up the great stories.

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