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New Releases, Road Trips, and To Do Lists

I don’t know about any of you, but my holidays consisted of wonderful insanity.  Most importantly, it was Lil Bit’s first Christmas.  She probably didn’t enjoy it as much Baby Daddy and I did, but it was a lot of fun.




Anywhoooo, now that I have shared all the cuteness that is my girl, on to other things.

First off, if you didn’t know it, my new book, Seasons of Sorrow, is coming out on Thursday, January 16, 2014.  I’m equal parts terrified and excited to release it since it is nothing like any of my other books.  I only hope everyone who reads it felt what I did when I wrote it.  You can read more about the book on Goodreads.

Next up, I am a busy girl this year.  Baby Daddy, Lil Bit, and I will be in Houston on January 18 for a signing at Pearland Library.  Admission is free!  If you want to meet me and perhaps purchase a signed book, come on down!  I would love to see you!



I have 5 other signings in the works.  Yes, 5!  I’ll be in Houston again in February, Ft. Lauderdale, FL in March, Knoxville, TN in July, and so on and so forth.  I’m trying to get in to the LoveNVegas event in October, but don’t know if they can fit me in… a girl out, would ya?  Bug the shit out of them because I WANNA GO TO VEGAS, DAMMIT!  

Lastly, if you notice the title of this post, you’ll see the words ‘To Do List’.  Yes, I have a massive To Do List.  MASSIVE.  I honestly need a wife AND an assistant to do all this shit and write books.  I’ve got books to write, a 6 1/2 month old baby, and a day job.  So I keep more than one To Do List.  I am obsessed with them.  I think I have 4 ongoing lists at this moment in time.  I just wish I could find some cool notepads…any suggestions?  When I say cool, I mean funny and inappropriate.  Swear words are a must.


Okay, I’ve expelled enough word vomit.  It’s time to go play with Lil Bit and go to Half Price Books, aka Heaven.  Here’s something to help you have a Sexy Saturday….


Published inNow You See Me....Posts


    • I would, but I think my dad would disown me if I took his grandchild that far away. Plus, as much as I love Houston, I love Dallas more. Thanks for the offer!

  1. Gwen Amos Gwen Amos

    Great photo! Enjoy this time because it will fly by in a flash and she will be in college. Hope you come to Baltimore, MD one day. <3

  2. Gloria Herrera Gloria Herrera

    I just placed your new book in my Goodreads TBR list. Sounds like a great story of survival.

  3. JennSmith JennSmith

    I met you last year at the book signing in Plano when you were pregnant. So nice to see a picture of you sweet baby!

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