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New Year, New Series (or 2 or 3…or more!)

This year I decided I wanted to try to write more.  

I think I might be over-reaching just a tad.  

Seasons of Sorrow released January 16, 2014.  Once Bitten, Twice Shy (book #2 in Bitten, my PNR series) comes out March 6.  I have the first novella in my Not Safe For Work series scheduled to release in April (titled to be announced), and a super secret project I’m working on with another author due out in June.  Oh, and I’m going to try to fit in at least one more book in there somewhere.

If you need me, I’ll be drinking coffee and working all night for the next six months.


Published inNew Releases

One Comment

  1. Rebecca Rebecca

    I have to say your first book I read in the Bitten series really turned me off but I kept reading them. Now looking back it was just who Donna was, kinda bitchy, acting like a brat and other annoying traits. So, I kept reading the rest of the books in the series and I have to say, Sorry for judging to quickly. I do love this series and now onto the 4th book. I really hope there are more books to come in this series soon. Please keep writing! It is hard to find a author that catches your attention in a book and holds it till the end. Thank you!

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