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Not what I expected…

Today was the first day of school for Lil Bit. As you can see by her picture, she is stoked. She was ready. She was excited. I didn’t have to pry her out of bed or threaten her with no Minecraft.

Miss Thang got up, dressed herself, ate her breakfast, brushed teeth and hair, and was ready to go ten minutes early. That’s right. Early.

I’m pretty sure she was glad to escape Teacher Mommy.

I, however, am a wreck. I’ve been worried about her all day. Is she hungry? Thirsty? Paying attention in class? Making friends?

I know, I know, co-dependent much? But she is and will be my only child. The urge to start up that rotor on the Helicopter Mom is so, so strong.

After homeschooling her for 2020-2021, I figured I’d be just as ready for her to head back as she was to go, but I’m not. I miss the little shit. I even miss her interrupting my writing (okay, so to be honest, my attempts at writing) to tell me how some jerk killed her in Minecraft. Or to ask me a bajillion questions about how things work or where certain words originated. I especially miss getting random hugs when she walks by.

And don’t get me started on my COVID worries about her since she’s too young to be vaccinated. I’m sure a lot of us have concerns, but my general anxiety issues have been hyperfocused on the “what ifs” of COVID when it comes to my little.

So, as I said, complete wreck. I’ll just be over here, trying to write and asking “Wut r werds?” until it’s time to go pick her up in….one hour and twenty-six minutes.

Published inLife

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