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The Only Road Trip

Like a lot of people in 2020, the Wood family hasn’t left the house much since March. And it’s likely we won’t do so again for a long while.

This weekend was an exception.

Our friends moved to Germany 3 years ago but returned to the States in September. After a lot of consideration and discussion, the Husbot and I decided a short weekend trip to see them would probably be okay.

We barely left their apartment for the two days we were there but it was still lovely. Lil Bit had a chance to play with other kids for the first time in 8 months. She cried when we told her it was time to leave and come back home.

I hadn’t realized how much this year has worn on me. The constant cooking and cleaning, the homeschooling, and trying to write while I’m doing all of that other stuff… well, I’m sure a lot of you are doing the same thing and know it’s frickin’ stressful!

While it was definitely a risk to travel, I’m glad we did it. We all needed it, especially Lil Bit. She is so resilient and adaptive that I hadn’t realized how hard this has been on her.

The only extra stop we made was the Fudge Factory in Uranus, Missouri. Yep, that’s right. We went there. We masked up and maintained social distance, but it was worth it. (We did take some pictures outside without our masks, but there was no one around.)

Of course the Husbot and I made all the jokes until Lil Bit finally got tired of it and yelled, “Stop saying Uranus!” 😂 We all died laughing at that one. I got some delicious fudge and some fun Uranus swag. When traveling isn’t so risky, we will definitely go back to see our friends and, without a doubt, will return to Uranus.

Now, I’m off to finish the outline for Blood & Bone #4. I probably need to come up with a title for it soon since I’m going to be working on it for the rest of this month. Any suggestions? And, no, I’m not naming it Uranus.

Published inLife

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